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    Acts 27
    •   YA anae esta majasuye na para infanmaudae gui batco para Italia, maentrega si Pablo, yan otro manpreso gui uno na y naan�a si Julio, senturion gui sendalon Augusto.
    •   Ya anae manjalomjam gui batcon Adrumeto, comoque janao para y costan Asia, manjanaojam; ya manjajame yan un Aristarcho, taotao Masedonio na saga�a Tesal�nica.
    •   Ya y inagpa�a na jaane, manmatojam Sidon: ya si Julio jagosg�aeya si Pablo, ya janae linibre na ujanao para y manamigu�a para unamagof g�e.
    •   Ya mamaudaejam gui batco manlayagjam papa jijot Chipre, desde ayo, sa y manglo contra.
    •   Ya anae manjanaojam gui tasen jijot Silisia yan Pamfilia, manmatojam Mira, gui siudad Lisia.
    •   Ya jasoda g�ije y senturion un batcon Alejandria, na jumajanao para Italia; ya janafanjalomjam.
    •   Ya manmaudaejam gui batco megae na jaane, sa mumayayama sen�ateng, yan canaja ti manmatojam guato Gnido, ti japolojam y manglo, ya manmayama jijot papa Creta, guiya Salmon;
    •   Ya gosmapot manmalofanjam umoriya inanaco g�ije na tase, manmatojam gui un lugat na mafanaan Bonito-Puerto, na jijot gui siuda Lasea.
    •   Ya anae megae na tiempo malofan, ya senpiligro y jinanaomame, sa y Ayunat esta malofan, ya si Pablo mansinangane sija,
    • 10   Ya ileg�a nu sija: Se�ores, julie na este na jinanao, guaja uninalamen yan megae uninafanaelaye, ya ti y catgaja yan y batco, lao asta y jaanita locue.
    • 11   Lao y senturion, jajonggue�aja y magas batco yan y gaeiyo y batco, qui ayo sija y sinangan Pablo.
    • 12   Sa taya puerto nae si�a para ufa�aga y tiempon manenggeng, ya mas megae majaso na ufanmalofan g�ije gui tase locue, para ujaquelie jaftaemano nae si�a manmato Fenix, ya ayo nae ufa�aga g�ije y tiempon manenggeng, gui puerton Creta, ni y jadalalalaque y sanjaya gui sanlichan yan y sanlago gui sanlichan.
    • 13   Ya anae manguaefe didide y manglo sanjaya, pinelon�ija na ujataca y malago�ija, jadingo ayo ya manjanao guato oriyan Creta.
    • 14   Lao despues ti apmam na tiempo cajulo un dangculon manglo contra y batco, na mafanaan Euroclydon;
    • 15   Ya tinemba y batco ya tisi�a injanao contra y manglo, inpelo na umachule ni y manglo.
    • 16   Ya malago asta y papa un isla na mafanaan Clauda, ya megae y chechomame pot y bote.
    • 17   Ni y anae manmajatsa julo, ya manmaayuda, magode y batco gui sampapa; ya manmaa�ao na umayute gui Sirte, manatunog y layag ya ayonae manmachule ni y manglo.
    • 18   Ya janafangoschatsagajam y pinagyo, ya y inagpa�a na jaane, jayute gui tase y catga, manachadeg y batco,
    • 19   Ya y mina tres na jaane, inyite juyong ni y canaemameja y g�inajan y batco.
    • 20   Ya megae na jaane na ti anog y atdao, ni y pution sija, ya ti didide na pagyo mato guiya jame, ya todo y ninangganmamame na infansatbo, malingo.
    • 21   Lao despues di apmam na tima�ocho, tumojgue si Pablo gui entalo�ija ya ileg�a: Se�ores, yaguin inecungogyo, ti tadingo Creta para tagana este na ninalamen yan minalingo.
    • 22   Lao pago juencatga jamyo na namauleg y inangoconmiyo; sa taya ni un taotao gui entre jamyo ufalingo y lin�l��a, na y batcoja.
    • 23   Sa tumotojgue gui oriyajo pago na puenge y angjet Yuus, ni y jayeyo, yan jaye y jusetbe.
    • 24   Ya ileg�a: Chamo maaa�ao Pablo; sa nesesita unmacone guato gui menan Sesat; ya estag�eja na ninae jao as Yuus ni ayo sija y mangachochongmo gui batco.
    • 25   Enaomina se�ores, namauleg y inangoconmiyo; sa jujonggue na si Yuus, utaeg�ijeja y esta jasanganeyo.
    • 26   Lao nesesita tayutejit gui jilo un isla.
    • 27   Ya anae mato y mina catorse na puenge, taeg�ig�ijeja jachuchulejajam papa yan julo tasen Adratico, ya y buente tatalopuenge, jinason�ija y marinero sija na esta manjijot gui un tano.
    • 28   Ya masondalea, ya masoda biente brasa; ya anae manjanao didide mona, masondalea talo, ya masoda quinse brasa.
    • 29   Ayonae manmaa�aojam, na nosea infanbasnag gui jilo y acho, ya mayute cuatro na angcla juyong gui popa, ya madesesea na umanana.
    • 30   Ya y marinero cumequefanmalago gui batco anae esta manatunog y bote gui tase, ya jinason�ija na si�a ujayute y angcla gui proa.
    • 31   Ya si Pablo ileg�a ni y senturion yan y sendalo sija: Yaguin ti ma�aga estesija gui batco, ti si�a jamyo mansatbo.
    • 32   Ayonae y sendalo sija, jautot y tale todo gui bote, ya jasotta na upodong.
    • 33   Ya anae manana, si Pablo jagagao sija todos na ujafa�ocho, ileg�a: Este y mina catorse na jaane ni y tanananggaja, sisiguejajit di manayunat, ti ma�ochojit ni jafa.
    • 34   Enaomina jutatayuyut jamyo na infa�ocho, sa este para lin�l�miyo: sa ni uno gui gapon ulonmiyo ufalingo guiya jamyo.
    • 35   Ya anae munjayan jasangan este, jachule y pan ya janae grasia si Yuus gui mena�ija todos: ya anae jaipe, jatutujon cumano.
    • 36   Ya ayo todo sija y manmauleg minagof�ija, ma�ocho locue.
    • 37   Ya jame todos ni y manestaba gui batco, dosientos setenta y saes na taotao sija.
    • 38   Ya anae manjaspog, mana�ajlalang y batco, ya mayute y trigo gui jalom tase.
    • 39   Ya anae manana, ti matungo y tano: lao masoda un diquique na sadog na guaja oriya�a; ya jinaso�ija na ujanajalom y batco.
    • 40   Ya anae manmajatsa y angcla ya masotta gui tase, ya manmapula y tale y timon, ya jajatsa y layag para y manglo, ya jatutujon manjanao para y oriyan tase.
    • 41   Ya podong gui jalom un lugat anae umasoda y dos tase, ya malago y batco gui jilo tano; ya y sanmena na patte cheton, ya sumagaja ti si�a calamten, lao y santate na patte mayamag ni y finijom y napo sija.
    • 42   Ya manatungo y sendalo sija, na ujapuno todo y preso sija, na nosea uguaja guiya sija tumungo numango ya uescapa.
    • 43   Lao y senturion malago na unasatbo si Pablo, ya jaadaje sija gui jinaso�ija; ya manago na y si�a numango uyute sija finena gui tase, ya ujafanjanao para y tano.
    • 44   Ya y manetejnan, palo gui jilo tabbla, yan palo gui pidason mayamag batco, ya taeg�enao nae manmalofan, ya todo sija mansatbo ya manescapa seguro para y tano.
  • King James Version (kjv)
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  • (Psalms Gospels Acts) (chamorro - 2.7.2)


    Chamorro (ch)

    Chamorro: Y Santa Biblia: Y Cuatro Ebangelio Sija Yan Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija Gui Testamento Nuebo Y Señotta Yan Y Satbadotta Si Jesucristo Yan Y Salmo Sija (1908)
    The Chamorro language is the native and an official language of the US Territory of Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (in political union with the United States of America).

    Formally titled Chamorro and English Scriptures: Y Cuatro Ebangelio Sija Yan Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija Gui Testamento Nuebo Y Señotta Yan Y Satbadotta Si Jesucristo Yan Y Salmo Sija, the 1908 Chamorro Bible is composed of six books in diglot format (Chamorro on the left page and English on the right page): San Mateo, San Marcos, San Lucas, San Juan, Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija, and Y Salmo Sija (Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke, Saint John, The Acts of the Apostles, and The Psalms). In 1908, about 1000 copies were printed by the American Bible Society. Outside of libraries, very few are known to exist (as of this writing, one).

    San Mateo, San Marcos, San Lucas, San Juan, Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija, and Y Salmo Sija were translated in the early 1900's by Francis Marion Price, missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), assisted by five currently unidentified Chamorros in Guam. According to Chamorro Scriptures for the Island of Guam (Bible Society Record, July 1908, Volume 53, Number 7, American Bible Society, New York, New York, USA), the "translations were made from the Westcott-Hort Greek Testament". Francis Marion Price and his wife Sarah Jane Price (maiden name, Freeborn) were Guam's first Protestant missionaries. Prior to their Guam assignment they worked in China and Truk (Chuuk), Caroline Islands.

    The 1908 Chamorro Bible is an important part of Chamorro history. Its background, surprising discovery, and reemergence are documented at, the official home for the 2001-2002 Chamorro Bible Project. On January 28th, 2004, the Chamorro Bible was officially and publicly honored by I Mina'Bente Siete Na Liheslaturan Guåhan - The 27th Guam Legislature ( with the presentation of three full legislative session (LS) resolutions: Resolution No. 87(LS), Resolution No. 88(LS), and Resolution No. 89(LS). They also acknowledge the translation team and others more recently involved with the 1908 Chamorro Bible. You can read the text of each resolution at The Internet site is another important source of Chamorro Bible research documented in articles, photographs, and audio.

    As part of the CrossWire Bible Society's ( SWORD distribution, the Chamorro Bible is again making history: It is the first time these Scriptures are part of a Bible study software package. The layout of each chapter or Psalm is similar to the PDF, RTF, and HTML formats, including, retaining the paragraph marks (¶) and the "Red Letter" markup (the words of Jesus Christ, Jesuscristo in Chamorro, are colored red). holds the latest and official electronic texts, as well as the historic audio recordings of the 1908 Chamorro Bible.

    Jesuscristo says, "Aligao y tinigue sija sa y jinasonmiyo iya güiya nae inguaja y linâlâ na taejinecog; ya sija todo ufanmannae testimonio nu guajo", "Todo y ninasiña manaeyo, gui langet yan y tano. Fanjanao, ya fannaquilisyano todo y nasion sija, tagpange sija pot y naan y Tata, yan y Lajiña, yan y Espiritu Santo: Fanagüe sija, na ujaadaje todosija ni jutago jamyo; sa estagüe jugagaegueja guiya jamyo todo y jaane, asta y jinecog y tano. Amen." Juan 5:39; Mateo 28:18-20.

    Thursday, February 19, 2004 ChST (Chamorro Standard Time)

    • Encoding: UTF-8
    • Direction: LTR
    • LCSH: Bible. Chamorro.
    • Distribution Abbreviation: chamorro


    Copyrighted; Freely distributable

    Source (GBF)

    Encoding entry corrected
    normalized History dates (2013-08-20)
    Compressed the module (2006-10-25)
    In Salmo 41:5 capitalize the first "y" ("y enemigujo jasangan" is now "Y enemigujo jasangan"). (2006-04-17)
    In Salmo 150:1 replace "alaba gue" with "alaba güe". (2005-11-16)
    In San Lucas 13:17 remove red Letter markup on "Mayute ya ti manasiña machule gui tase pot y minegae y güijan." (2005-08-03)
    For San Juan 7:39, "sa si Jesus ti rumesibe y minalagña," comma (,) replaced with a period (.). (2005-07-25)
    Red Letter markup removed for San Lucas 13:17. (2005-07-13)
    For Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija 26:29, "Ya si Pablo ilegña," comma (,) replaced with a period (.). (2005-06-05)
    For San Juan 12:34, "Na y Lajin taotao nesesita umajatsa?" removed red-letter markup. (2005-04-05)
    For San Mateo 4:4, red-letter "Matugue esta:". (2005-02-15)
    For San Marcos 1:17, red-letter these two words "Maela dalalagyo". (2005-02-10)
    For San Juan 10:11, typo in the first word - removed the accent mark in the word Guajo. (2004-06-25)
    For San Mateo 17:11, capitalization and punctuation correction; added Red Letter markup. (2004-03-11)
    Typo fixed in the "About" entry below. (2004-02-28)
    Red Letter markup corrected/updated for New Testament books, "San Mateo", "San Marcos", "San Lucas", "San Juan", and "Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija". (2004-02-23)
    The 1908 Chamorro Bible introduced as a module for CrossWire Bible Society's "The SWORD Project". This is an important date in the 1908 Chamorro Bible's history. (2004-02-19)

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Hechos 27:

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