WORD Research this...Acts 13
- 1 Te'pwe'ie'ntukuk cIshi, anIt kiik, E'ntiakuk nakanacimocuk, ipi ke'knomake'cuk Pe'ne'pe's, ipi Simiun kashInkasotke' Nayku, ipi Nwsius, Saynin, nInI, ipi Me'ne'in kapie'wic, kishkIcIn ni E'nutIn, okumas, ipi San.
- 2 E'ie'cI pmitwawat, ni Te'pe'nke'ncIn ipi e'pwawisnawat, PanakwsIt Cipam otI okikowan, papke'ptoshuk, Pe'ne'pe's ipi San, i mikice'wiwum kaocI ntomkwa.
- 3 IwcI pic kapwa wisnawat,ipi kakishnumawat, ipi katawawat niw nIciwan shi wiwunuk, okinokanawan.
- 4 PanakwsIt Cipam, okinokankowan kishie'k, shi Sinwshiuk icI shi kiwcI macik kinashwuk shi Saypnusuk.
- 5 Ipi shi kaiIwat Sine'musuk, okimnwactanawa okikitowun Kshe'mIne'to, otInume'o kumkomwak ki Cwiuk. CanIn kie'ni, ke'iapI okinishokmakwan.
- 6 IwcI kanmIt kumshkumwat i mnIshI kishie'k Pe'posuk okimkawawan nkot me'ntokasnIt, iacimokasot, Cwi nInI, pacisus kishInkaso.
- 7 Win okiwitokwan, okinasIn, shi e'tnukie'wat Sinicius, Panus, ne'pwakat nInI, okintoman Pe'ne'pe'sIn, ipi SanIn, e'ntowe'ntuk e'wipsItuk i okikitowun Kshe'mIne'to.
- 8 NIshcI Inimus, mIntosikasot, (i ie'i e'shnukasot e'ianke'notmuk) okiwikwce'an, e'wi te'pwe'takot ni okumasIn, i te'pwe'tatwun.
- 9 IwcI San, ke'iapukI e'shnukasot Pan, e'moshkIne'shkakot, PanakwsIncIn, Cipam, kancI okinapman;
- 10 IcI otI okinan, O! moashkIne'shkakwiIn caye'k, wie'shtowun ipi caye'k, me'anuk, we'nicansumkon mIcImIne'to, me'iane'ntumIn caye'k me'noshuwe'psowun, ConI kuponiksim Kshe'mIne'to omInoshuwe'psiwun?
- 11 Ipi nkom pInI; one'ce'n Kshe'mIne'to oshIton shi kiiwuk, ipi ku’kie'pikwa, co kuwapmasi kisIs nomuk. IiI kie'nup kipuksInI shiw shkishkok wunsiwu’n, ipi kiskupkoniawapwun, icI e'ki pantawapmat owIiI wapmIskIncInkot.
- 12 IwcI okumas pic kawapituk kashotwumIt kite'pwe'ie'ntum osam, okimamkate'ntum, okuknomake'wun Kshe'mIne'ton.
- 13 Pic cI Pan, ipi ni kapmIwice'wacIn kawe'pshkawat shi Pe'posuk, kipie'shie'k PInke'uk, shi Pe'mpinie'uk, icI Can, shi kacInkInat kikiwe' Cinose'ne'muk.
- 14 PInke'uk, cI kaocI maciwat, kishie'k E'ntiakuk shi Psitie'uk, ipi kipitike'k shi nume'okumkok, icI e'kicipitupwat; e'nume'kishkItnuk.
- 15 IcI i tpakwnuke'wun, ipi nakanacimocuk, kakish wapcIkate'k, shi msInukInuk, e'kwaptukuk i nume'okumuk okintomawan, ipi otI okinawan, NInituk, ipi nikane'ituk, KishpIn ke'ko kikitowun, wikie'kme'k, kotI nIshInape'k, ktakikitom.
- 16 IcI pan, e'kipsukwit, ipi okiiaine'nkowan, otI okinan, NInwuk shi IsniIn, ipi kinwa, kwe'se'k Kshe'mIne'to; psItmok.
- 17 O Kshe'mIne'tomwan kotI nIshInape'k, shi IsniIn, okiwe'napman kosnanIn, ipi okipsukwitnan ni nIshInape'n, winwa cokike'ntakwsusik, e'kitawat shi e'kiwuk Iciptuk, ipi wishkInkaonuk shiw o kipie' ocusakcowunan.
- 18 Pic cI nie'wapituk tsopon; okipkIte'ntumwan iw tIshwe'psiwnawan shi na’wmtukwakik.
- 19 IwcI kakish pnacat, nouktso e'shnmnIn e'kiwuk shi Ke'ne'e'n, okimatan iw tukimnInIn e'ki tatiwat.
- 20 IcI kakish, icI showe'psIt okiminan tpakwnuke' onInwun nie'wak, ipi niano mtInI tso pon nash Se'mnwIn nakanacimot.
- 21 IcI i kakish, showe'psIt, okintuwe'nmawan okuman, ocI Kshe'mIne'to okiminan SanIn we'kwIsmukot, E'Ish Pe'nce'mIn kashIcmot nInI nie'wapituk tsopon;
- 22 IcI ni kaotapnat minI nkot okipsukwitnumwan, Te'pItIn e'wi otokumamwat, win Kshe'mIne'to kaiacimat otI kikIto, Nkimkowa Te'pIt we'kwIsmukot Ce'siIn, nInI tpInwe' nin nte'’ we'te'it win, ke'kshkItot, kaye'k, ntIne'ntumwun.
- 23 OtI nInI onicansIn, Kshe'mIne'to win kashowawitmake't e'wipsukwitnumwat ni Isni In ke'skonwe'ncIn CisusIn.
- 24 Pic Can, kawe'pkie'kwe't e'pwamshI pianIt; kcItapie'nwe'wun i kisate'ntumwun; kicaye'k nIshInape'k; Isne'iIn.
- 25 IcI me'kwa Can, e'ie', kie'kwe't, otI okinan we'nicI nin e'ne'nmie'k? coin win nte'isi, nIshcI, pInI, nkot pe'kanksIt shkwe'iak, pie'tne'sI win omuksInIn, shiw osItik cointupite' ntakwsIsi, e'wiapskoptuwuk.
- 26 NInituk, ipi nikane'ituk we'nican sunkoie'k, E'pe'ne'e'm, ipi we'kwe'ntuk kwe'sakwe'n, Kshe'mIne'ton, kinwasI i kikitowIn otI ke'skonwe'wun knitakom.
- 27 Kikatacuk shi Cinose'ne'muk; ipi onikansimwan, osam cokike'nmasiwan, coke' okinsItowasiwan ni NakanacimoncIn e'tso nume'kishkuk, kaiactmuk okite'pwe'tonawa i e'ki pkIte'nmawak.
- 28 Pic cI kapwamkumwat, ke'ko e'wiwcIne'nIt, ke'iapI okintuwe'nmawan Payne'tIn e'winsIc kasnIt.
- 29 Pic cI kacaktpIse'stowat, caye'k i e'shonupie'kasot shi msInuknuk okiwcI nisnawan, shi mtukok icI e'kishkIshmawst shi cipe'’okumkok.
- 30 NIshcI Kshe'mIne'to minI okipsukwitnan e'nponpIt.
- 31 Mce'sh kon kiwapmukon kapie'ocI wice'kocIn shi Ke'nIniuk, kipie'shie'k Cinose'ne'muk, winwaki ke'iacimukot ni nIshInape'n.
- 32 KuwitmonmIn mciwe'nmowun i witmatwun, kashIwawitmotwa kikosnanuk.
- 33 Kshe'mIne'to sI win nasap, okitpIstaknan kinan we'nicansumkoikom iw e'ki psukwit nat, minI ni CisusIn, iwke'shI e'npie'kate'k, shi nish Nkumwunuk Kin we'kwIsme'nan, otI e'kishkiwuk, kiw, osum.
- 34 Ipi i e'kipsukwitnat i e'nponpIt, cowi minI e'wipkIshkIne'not, otI kikIto kuminIn we'we'ne' oshuwe'ncuke'wun Te'pIt.
- 35 I ie'i otI osam, minI we'ckito mkuk pe'kanuk nkumwIn, co minI kne'nmasi pan nakwsIt Nkot e'wiwaptuk pkIshknInwun.
- 36 Te'pIt cI kakish pmitwat niw wicpmatsiIn kane'nmukot Kshe'mIne'to, kinpe', ki wic nkokaso niosIn, ipi kinpIsh kinpIshknIno.
- 37 Wincie'ko, Kshe'mIne'to kapisukwitnat minI co okiwaptusin mpIshknInwun.
- 38 I ie'i ke'ocI kuke'ntusme'k nInituk, ipi nikane'itnk, Win otI nInI we'c kie'kmukoie'k, i e'wi we'pnukate'k miashuwe'psiwnIn
- 39 Ipi win caye'k ki te'pwe'ie'ntukuk, pkIte'ntumwak cake'ko; iw tpakwnuke'wun Mosus tapwa pkIte'ntumake't.
- 40 Naktuwe'ntmok, osam otI ktanI otIskonawa kashu kikitowat ki Nakanacimocuk.
- 41 PInI, shake'nke'ie'k, ipi mamkate'nkie'k, ipi knIshnatsum; osam nin nmikce'wi mikice'wiwun, shi ktuki, shkimwak mikce'wiwun, co kite'pwe'ie'ntusinawa; nInI ianwI witmakwie'k.
- 42 KicI Cwiuk, kanmI sakumwat, shi nume'okumkok, ki me'mataose'cIk, okiwishte'pmawan e'wi kie'kmukwat ni kikitonIn, minI nume'kishkItnuk.
- 43 IcI ki pic maoce'ticIk, kanmumaciwat Cwiuk, kimane'k ipi e'nmaa cuk, kakwe'knoicuk, okipmInashkawawan PanIn, ipi Pe'ne'pe'sIn, e'knonkowat, oki ikwamukwan, e'wi ikwamtonIt Kshe'mIne'to oshuwe'ncke'wun.
- 44 IcI minI e'nume'kishkuk kaka, caye'k e'icIk shi kcI otanuk; kimaoce'tik e'wip sItmowat, Kshe'mIne'to okikitowun.
- 45 NIshcI pic Kawapmawat ki Cwiuk ni maoce'tincIn, kimoshkIne'se'nI miane'ncke'wun, ipi okipapshItanawa notI kaiactuk Pan, okiakwne'twawan ipi pcI- kikitok.
- 46 IcI Pan, ipi Pe'ne'pe's kiwishkukwuk, ipi otI kikItwuk, kiw wunItsI Kshe'mIne'to okikitowun, kinwa ne'tum; e'wi iactumakoie'k, osamcI nkoci e'ne'nme'k, ipi e'waptuwuie'k kiiuwawa e'pwa pite'ntakwsie'k e'wiiIiIie'k kakuke' pmatsowun pInI naskawa mIn, ki Me' i kIs cIk.
- 47 OtIsI ie'i Kshe'mIne'to nkikatonkonan, otI kikIto; kukicipitupe'num e'wiwase'shkmoe'k ki me'mataose'cIk, kinwa kuke'skontuwe'wun e'wishiamkuk e'kokiwuk.
- 48 IcI ki Me'ikiscIk, kanotmoat otI kinciwe'nmok, ipi okiwin watanawa Kshe'mIne'to okikitowun ipi cI tso kawe'napme'cIk, ika kukie' pmatsowun kite'pwe'ie'ntumwuk.
- 49 Ipi i Kshe'mIne'to okikitowun, kimnwacIkate' caye'k shi katnukie'wat.
- 50 NIshcI ki Cwiuk, otopwe'mawan ni e'nmaancIn, nakansIncIn kwe'n ipi ni nakansincIn nInwun, shi kcI-otanuk, ipi oki miash totwawan PanIn, ipi Pe'ne'pe'sIn, ipi oki miwnashkawawan, shi e'tnukie'wat.
- 51 Oki papiwshkumakwan, i ne'kwukI, shiw osItiwak icI kipie'k shi Ikoniumuk.
- 52 Ipi ki ke'knomocuk; kimoshkIne'shkaknawa mciwe'nmowun, ipi ni PanakwsIncIn Cipam.
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Potawatomi (Matthew Acts) (Lykins 1844) (potawatomi - 1)
2007-04-26Potawatomi (pot)
1833 Potawatomi Matthew and Acts, Lykins translation
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- Direction: LTR
- LCSH: Bible. N.T. Potowatomi.
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