WORD Research this...Acts 7
- 1 IwcI otI kikito kcI me'matmot, inI notI e'nomkuk?
- 2 OtIcI kikito NInituk ipi nikane'ituk ipi nostuk psItwushuk Kshe'mIne'to ome'nwankoswunuk; okiwaptaan wi‘ow Kosnan E'pe'ne'e'mIn e'ie'iIt shi Misopote'mi e'pwamshe'tat shi Ke'ne'nuk.
- 3 OtI cI okinan ocI macin shi e'tnukie'n, ipi e'tshI nowe'tasiIn, icI shian ke'knomonan, ksh.
- 4 IwcI shi kapie'ocI sakuk otukimwak shi Ke'ntie'nuk nIshInape'n ipi kite'wak shi Ke'ne'nk ici shi kanponIt ni osIn okipie'shonan shotI nkom e'cI tayie'k.
- 5 Co cI ke'ko kiminasin tpInwe'osuwun cotIna wacI pInkit nIshcI kiwawitmowan e'wiminat tpInwe'osuwun ipi ni nicansIn wapie'pmatsInIt e'pwamshI onicansut.
- 6 OtIcI Kshe'mIne'to okishIknonan niw nicansIn e'witanIt Me'ikIsnIncIn otukimwak ipi e'wi miashtotwumIt, ipi e'wikwtukumIt nie'wak tsopon.
- 7 KicI nIshInape'k ke'otokianawat nkItpakwnak Kshe'mIne'to okinan icI kupie'macik ipi nkupmitakok shotI e'ciIuwat.
- 8 OkiminancI wawitmatwun shiw tpakwn uke'wunuk. Ipi E'pne'e'm kiwosmukon ayse'k icI kitpakwnan ka shwatsokwnuktunuk ipi ayse'k kiw osmukon Ce'kap ipi Ce'kapIn kiwosmukon mtatso shItnish Osma.
- 9 NIshcI osmak e'nshke'nmawat kitawe'k CosipIn shi Iciptuk nIshcI Kshe'mIne'to okiwice'wan;
- 10 E'kikwtukste'nIt cI okike'skonan, ipi okiminan mnoshuwe'psuwun ipi mpwa kawun e'nasmupnIt Pe'noiIn okuma shi iciptuk, icI e'kiwshuat e'wi nikane'ntakwse'nIt caye'k shi iciptuk ipi caye'k i e'tat.
- 11 IwcI kipie'mkIt kcI-pkIte'wun caye'k e'kiwuk iciptuk ipi Ke'ne'nine'k ipi kcI kwtuke'ntumwun, ipi kosnanuk cokimkIsinawa waocI pmatsowat.
- 12 NIshcI Ce'kap kanotake't e'pInIt shi ntamnIn ipI Iciptuk okinokanan ne'tum kosnanun.
- 13 IwcI nishuk kashiawat Cosip wikane' iIn okikuke'nmukon ipi Pe'no okikuke'nman Cosip e'nwe'mancIn.
- 14 Cosip cI kinokashwe' ipi okintoman ni osIn Ce'kapIn ipi caye'k ni e'nwe'macIn nouksomtIne' shItnianIn kitshik.
- 15 IwcI Ce'kap kishie'wak Iciptuk ipi shi kitpIne'’ kosnanuke'.
- 16 IpI cI kishocukaswuk shi Saykumuk ipi shi kinkokaswuk cipe'okumkok E'pne'e'm kakishpnItwacIn e'kiminat shonia ni We'kwIsmukwacIn E'maiIn kaosmat SaykumIn.
- 17 IwcI pic ci kiukwan e'piamkuk Kshe'mIne'to kawawitmowat ni E'pne'e'mIn ki mnokwuk, ipi kimane'k nIshInape'k shi Iciptuk.
- 18 Nash pe'kansIt kapsukwit kcI-okuma kapwake'nmat ni CosipIn.
- 19 Win okiwie'shan e'nwe'nkonuk ipi okim iashtotwan kosnanIn iwkaocI we'pnawat otoshknicansowan e'wipwa pmatsInIt.
- 20 Iwpic Mosus kinikwakak cowunsut ipi kitshI ka‘owe'pcIkaso shi osIn e'tanIt nso kisIs.
- 21 Pic cI kasakcowe'pnukasot, Pe'no otansIn okiwtapnan ipi kikishkInmatso e'wi okwIsmat.
- 22 Mosus caye'k okike'ntumwan onupwa kawunInIn. Ini Iciptuk nInwun ipi kiwish kIsI shi okikitonuk, ipi otInkumkIswunuk.
- 23 PicI kwiiIn nie'waptuk katsoponkIsIt kishIte'‘e' e'wiwI mpwacat; ni wikane'iIn kaonicansumkowacIn ni Isne'iIn.
- 24 IwcI nkot e'wapmat e'miashtotwumIt ipi okiwickapwItwan ke'ko e'wipwato twumIt ni me'iashtotwumIt icI e'kinsat ni Iciptuk nInI.
- 25 Okine'nmancI ni wikane'iIn e'ke'nmanIt ni Kshe'mIne'ton win one'cik e'wi ocI pkItnukasasat cocI okike'ntusInawa.
- 26 WiiapnInuk cI okiwaptan wiiow‘ me'kwa e'kikatwat, icI okine'nman e'wi mnototatnIt minI otIcI okinan PInI ktowikane'itum We'kwnicI we'c miashtotatie'k.
- 27 IwcI o kamiashtotwat ni nkot okikatokon otIcI okinan We'nicI kaoshuuk e'wikawapme'iak ipi e'witpakwne'iak.
- 28 KInshInI ke'cwa katotwIt o iciptuk nInI onako?
- 29 Pic cI otI kanotuk Mosus kiwshumo cocI kike'ntakwse'si shi Mitie'nuk e'kiwuk shi katshI osmukot nish okwIsun.
- 30 IwcI nie'waptuk tsopon katpIsak Kshe'mIne'ton omIshIne'we'mIn okiwaptu‘ukon wiiow‘ shi na‘wmtukwakik e'pkotniak Sayne'e'iuk shi e'pskone'nuk mtukosuk.
- 31 PicI Mosus kawaptuk okimamkasaptan kawapituk icI pe'shoc e'pie'naskuk e'wiwapituk okiwtuskon Kshe'mIne'to okikitowun.
- 32 OtI kikitwun Nin koswak okshe'mIne'tomwan ipi E'pIne'e'm okshe'mIne'tomIn, ipi ayse'k okshe'mIne'tomIn ipi Ce'kap okshe'mIne'tomIn; icI Mosus kinukshke' ipi okikwtan e'wiwaptuk.
- 33 IwcI Kshe'mIne'to otI okinan we'pnIn ni kmuksInIn osam shi e'ci nipwin pinakwut, ne'kwuk kI.
- 34 Nkiwapitan, Nkiwapitan okwutke'ntumwwnwa ntInIshInape'muk e'icuk shi Iciptuk ipi nkinotmowak omumatwe'onuwa, i we'c pie' ni sasiian e'wi pkItnukwa piancI ke'nokanIn shi Iciptuk.
- 35 OtI ie'o Mosus kaiakwne'twacIn okinawan We'nici kaoshauk e'wikawapme'ie'k, ipi e'wi shpakwne'iak otI ie'o Kshe'mIne'to kanokanacIn e'wikowapmat, ipi e'wisakconawe'nIt onIcinuk ni mIshInwe'n kawotuskocIn shi e'pskone'nuk mtukosuk.
- 36 Kakish waptaat mamkate'ntumwunIn ipi kInwatIntumwunIn shi Iciptuk ipi shi msko kcukumik ipi no‘umtukwakik nie'waptuk tsopon oki sakicawunan.
- 37 OtI ie'o Mosus kanat nicansIn isne'iIn kikane'iwak Kshe'mIne'to Te'pe'nmukwuie'k okuocI psukwitnamakwa Nakan acimot ke'cwa nin WinsI kupsItwawa.
- 38 OtIsI ie'o kawitokwacIn te'pwe'take'ncIn shi no‘wmtukwakik ke'iapwke'ni mshInwe'n kaknonkocIn, shi e'pkotnianuk Saynie'uk ipi ke'iapI kosnanuk kaotapnukuk, kakuk kikitowun e'wi min koikon.
- 39 Niwie'ni kosnanuk kapwa te'pwe'twawacIn nkociie'k ikishI katwawan ipi shi kishIte'‘e'k ote'‘iwak e'wi kiwe'wat minI Iciptuk.
- 40 Okinawan ni E'nunIn oshItwushnak Me'ntokascIk e'winmInikaniwat, Win otI Mosus kapie' ocI sakconIimIt shi e'kiwuk Iciptuk coukuke'nmasimIn e'ciIt.
- 41 IwcI ni e'kishkiwuk okiwshaawan pshukisun icI e'kiciknumwawat mikwe'wun ni me'ntokasnIncIn kimnawankoswukcI kashI mikce'wiwat tpInwe' winwa onIciwan.
- 42 IwcI Kshe'mIne'to e'kinkInat ipi okipkIte'nman e'winume'ktuwanIt ni maoce'tincIn shpumuk e'npie'kate'k shiw omusnIkInwak ki Nakanacimocuk, O kinwa wikwamuk isne'iIn kipie'tnumwumnI ne'scIk we'siuk ipi mikwe'wunIn niawapituk tsopon shi no‘wmtukwa kik?
- 43 We'we'nI kiwtapnanawa pukwoian wikwam i Monak ipi otInukomIn kmIntomwa Nimpin me'ntokas cuk kaoshIe'k e'wi nume'kitawe'k, ipi kumacinum wushinowuc Pe'pe'nunak;
- 44 Kosnanuk okiiI nawa i pukwoian wikwam ke'ke'ncukate'nuk shi no‘wmtukwakik kashukumowat kiwitmoan MosusIn i e'wishI oshItonIt kashuwapitukupIn,
- 45 Ke'iapI ki Kosnanuk shkwe'iak kapiacuk okipie'nawan CisusIn shi otukimnInuk Me'ikIscIk niwie'ni Kshe'mIne'to kamace'nashkawacIn masmukapwunIt kosnanIn nash otukishki muk Te'pIt.
- 46 Winwa kamnototakwat Kshe'mIne'ton ipi okinuwe'ntanawa wikwam e'wimkumwawat Ce'kap okshe'mIne'tomIn.
- 47 NIshcI Sane'mun okiwshItwan wikwam.
- 48 NIshcI Mamoshpe'ntakwsIt wikwamuk we'shcIkate' nuk cote'si e'shkItot Nakanacimot.
- 49 Spumuk sI i; Ntuptie'pwun, ipi kI ntupsIt e'pwun, TInicI e'shnakwuk wikwam ke'oshItwin? KItwak Kshe'mIne'to tanake' tInipi tatshI nwashmoian?
- 50 ConI nIce'n nkiiosinIn notI caye'k e'kiwshItoian?
- 51 Kinwa capcukwiiuwaie'k ipi washkIte'aie'k ipi kito‘kawan kinwa pIne', knIshke'nmawa o PanakwsIt Cipam koswakatotmowapItiw ke'kinwa e'totme'k.
- 52 TIninukcIki Nakanacimocuk kapwa kwtukawat kikoswak? ipi okinsawan ni kaknoma kwacIn nikan e'pwamshupianIt ni Nkot Ne'pwakat kinwa kawie'she'k, ipi kanshuwe'ie'k.
- 53 MishInwe'k kiminkowak i tpakwnuke'wun cocu kiwtapnIsinawa.
- 54 Pic cI otI kanotmoat notI kiptIkte'e'shke'k ipi okiwmtwe'iapte'twawan.
- 55 NIshcI win e'moshkIne'shkakot ni PanakwsIncIn CipamIn; shpumuk kankinapI okiwaptan Kshe'mIne'to ome'nwankoswun, ipi CisusIn e'nipwunIt shi ote'pnIciwnak Kshe'mIne'ton.
- 56 Ipi otI kikito PInI nowapitan shpumuk e'nsakshkak, ipi We'kwIsmIt NInwun e'nipwut ote'pnIciwnak Kshe'mIne'ton.
- 57 IwcI kiwishkowe'k, ipi oki kpakwanawan ota‘wkawan okimsomwunawan.
- 58 Ipi kisakciwe'pnawan shi kcI otanuk icI e'kisInwawat kicI kapatamacuk okikiskanawan paskumwacIn, ipi okitonawan e'tshIste'pnIt nkot shkInowe' San, kishInkaso.
- 59 IwcI e'kisInwawat ni StipnIn okiwawinan Kshe'mIne'ton ipi otI kItwak, Te'pe'nke'n Cisus otapIn ncipam.
- 60 IwcI e'kiowucikwnIkapwut, ipi kiwishkowe' e'kinumat Te'pe'ke'nke'n ke'ko nkot ne'nmakIn otI e'shmiashtotmoat icI kakishkItot, iw kashukwoukw‘shuk.
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Potawatomi (Matthew Acts) (Lykins 1844) (potawatomi - 1)
2007-04-26Potawatomi (pot)
1833 Potawatomi Matthew and Acts, Lykins translation
- Encoding: UTF-8
- Direction: LTR
- LCSH: Bible. N.T. Potowatomi.
- Distribution Abbreviation: potawatomi
Public Domain
Source (OSIS)
- history_1.0
- Initial release
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