WORD Research this...Matthew 27
- 1 PIC cI kawapuk, caye'k ki kcI-me'matmocIk onInwuk, ipi oke'ctaosiwmawan ki nIshInape'k, okItshImawan ni CisusIn e'winsawat.
- 2 IcI katkopnawat okimacinawan, okipkItnumwawan, ni Pantus Payne'tun okuma.
- 3 OcI Cwte's kapkIt e'nmat, kawapmat cI e'winsIckasnIt; kikisate'ntum, icI e'kipie'tot ne'iap i nswapituk tswapuk shonia okopie'twan ni kcIme'matmocuk onInwun, ipi ke'ctaosIncIn.
- 4 OtI cI okinan, Nkukie'patIs e'ki pkIte'ntuman pwamiashtotumomkuk mskwI. OtI cI kItwuk, We'kwnicI ninan i? Kin sI i mtIno.
- 5 IcI mcIiukwan e'kipukitot, i shonia shi kcIe'nume'okumkok, icI e'ki macit e'ki wukontIsot.
- 6 IcI ki kcI-me'matmocIk onInwuk okiwtapnumwat i shonia, otI cI kItwuk, CotawunsInon, e'witoikon maocIcke'wunuk, osam otI kakshkIcke'k mskwI.
- 7 Ki kikitokcI icI kitawe'kcI ni shoniaiIn kikishpIne'twawancI wapukIn naknukI onInI okshtkan, e'winkowawat me'mataosIncIn.
- 8 Ie'i we'tshInkate'k MskwI ktukan, otI e'kishkiwuk.
- 9 Ie'i te'pwe'wunukuk kakitot CinImayi Nakanacimot otI kItwak, okiwtapnanawa i nswapituk nswapuk shonia, kapite'ntakwsIt o kipInoce'iuk Isniuk kapite'nmawat.
- 10 OkominawancI i onaknukI onInI ashkIot ce'i okItkanI kanakwnIt Kshe'mIne'to.
- 11 IcI Cisus e'kinipwIt e'nasmupnIt niw okuma, icI o okuma e'natowat otI cI otInan, Kin, ni kitokumaomukok ki Cwiuk? IcI Cisus, otI otInan kitukItsI.
- 12 Pic cI kianmikakot ni kcI-me'matmocuk onInwun, ipi ke'ctaosIncIn; coke' ki okishInkwe'‘twasin.
- 13 OtI cI Payne't, okinan, conI kinotsin me'kwe'tso ke'ko e'shIi miane'nmukon?
- 14 ConI tIna nkotuk okiknonasin; kikcI mamkate'ntum cI o okuma.
- 15 IwcI e'wikwtuk, okume' kakuk okipkIte'man nkote'ie' ke'pakwukasnIt ke'wawinanIt ni nIshInape'n.
- 16 Oki iu wawancI ke'ke'ntakwse'nIt kie'pakwukasnIt Pane'pe's shInkaswun.
- 17 IcI pic kamaoce'tiwat Payne't, otI okinan We''nicI ne'twe'nme'k e'wipkItnumon kon; Pe'ne'pe's tanake' Cisus e'shnukasot Knayst?
- 18 E'ke'nmat ni e'kakiawe'nmanIt kaocI pkItnumakot.
- 19 Pic cI kacipitupIt shi tupaknukI pItie'pwunuk, wiwun kipie' mcIcimokie'n otI cI kikItwun; Ke'ko nkot totwakIn one'pwakatnInI; kcImce'sh ke'ko win we'cwitaiapituman nkom e'kishkiwuk.
- 20 KicI kcI-me'matmocuk onInwuk, ipi ke'ctaose'cuk okiwishte'pmawan ni maoce'tincIn e'wi ntotma ke'nIt Pane'pe'sIn; nicI e'winshonacumIt CisusIn.
- 21 IcI okuma okinkwe'twan, otI cI okinan, We'nicI nkote'ie' ki kiIpkItnumonkon; OtI cI kikItwuk, Pane'pe's.
- 22 Payne't cI otI okinan. TInicI ke'totwuk Cisus e'shnukasot Knayst. OtI cI caye'k okikon nocma win KIskakwukaso.
- 23 IcI okuma kikIto, Taci? We'konicI kamcItotuk? WusimI cI kiwishkowe'k, otI cI kikItwuk, Nocma win KIskakwukaso.
- 24 Pic cI Payne't e'waptuk ke'ko e'wipwakshkItot, wusimI na‘wuc e'nshkatsInIt, okiwtapinan mpish, icI e'ki ksincat e'nasmukapwunIt maoce'tincIn, otI cI kikIto, Coin nin nsikwe'pnumwasi ne'pwakat omuskwim; Kinwa wi ke'shuwe'psowe'kwe'n.
- 25 Caye'k cI ki nIshInape'k okinkwe'twawan, otI cI kikItwuk, Nocma ninan nkupukitakomIn iw mIskwim kIte'nI, ipi nicanse'nanuk.
- 26 IcI e'kipkItnumwat ni Pane'pe'sIn, icI ni CisusIn, kapsItie'wat okipkItnan e'wiskakwukasnIt.
- 27 IcI ni otI shumakunIshimIn okuma, okimacinawan ni CisusIn kikitokumkok, icI e'kipie'naskakot caye'k shumakunIshIn e'tshInIt.
- 28 OkiskotnawancI icI e'kipiskotnawat mskwe'kIn kwawun.
- 29 Pic cI kakate'nmowat sisokwe'psowun, cukunukaoshisun okitawawan otupik, ipi nasaknIshk okitawan ote'pne'cik, icI e'kiw wucik kwuItwawat e'nasmupkapwunIt, icI okinapitotwawan,, otI cI okinawan, We'we'nI‘ we'kuma omukwiIn Cwiuk.
- 30 IcI e'ki skowanawat, ipi kiw tapnanawa i nasakunIshk, icI e'kiwe'potwawat otupik.
- 31 KashkIc napitotwawat okikiskotnawan, icI win kapiskuk kipiskotnawan, icI e'kishonawat e'wiskakwawat.
- 32 Kapie'sakumwat cI ikiwapmawan, Se'nini nInwun Sayiman e'shInkaswun; niw cI kitwe' okinawan e'wipmotonIt ni iashte'iatkomnIn.
- 33 Pic ci kanmupiawat e'shnukate'k, KanIkate', i e'tmuk O Knatup e'cite'k.
- 34 Okimanawan Siwapo, ipi wisup, katkostowat e'wiminukwe'nIt; icI kakwucupituk, co ki mnukwe'sin.
- 35 IcI e'kiskakwawat, ipi okiswe'nmowawan kapiskumnIt icI e'kitatiwat e'wite'pwe'wunukuk kakitot Nakanacimot, okiswe'nawan paskamInIn e'tshawat, ipi npiskumwakIn kaocI tatiwat.
- 36 Kicipitupwuk cI otukwapmawan cIshi.
- 37 IcI e'kitowawat shiw otupik we'npie'kate'nuk we'cawat, OTI CISUS OTOKUMAMWAN KI CWIUK.
- 38 Ipi cI nish kie'motshke'cuk, kitko Skakwukaswuk; nkot ote'pniwnak, nkot cI o onumciwnak.
- 39 KicI kapmose'cuk ikikuke'cawan e'mumukwe'twawat.
- 40 OtI cI otInawan, Kin, pe'nactin kcInume'okumuk, ipi kashIton e'nsokwnukuk ke'skontIson. KishpIn okwIsmukwiIn Kshe'mIne'to, pie'nisasin shi kiashte'iakwukinuk.
- 41 Winwa ke'ki kcIme'matmocIk onInwuk okinatkoawan, kike' onupie'ke' onInwuk, ipi ke'ctaose'cuk okinawan.
- 42 Pe'kansIncIn cI okike'skonan, win cI co ke'skontusi. KishpIn sI we'tokmaomukwe'n IsniIn, nocma win Kom kupie'nisasi shi ashte'atkok icI ke'cI te'pwe'twukon.
- 43 Okipe'nmonIn Kshe'mIne'ton, nocma win oka‘tapne'kin, kishpIn waiaokokwe'n, otI kakItot Nin NtokwIsmuk Kshe'mIne'to.
- 44 KicI ke'mockicuk katukwakwukascuk win wa ke'i kanawat.
- 45 Nawkwe'k cI kikiskupkonia, e'nkokwukumkiak ukI; nash nsotupukIn e'pite'ntakwuk.
- 46 Pic cI nso tupukInuk Cisus kikcInotakwse'wak, otI cI kItwak, Inay, Inay, ne'me' se'pe'kte'nay? otI e'kitok, Nkishe'mIne'tom Nkishe'mIne'tom, We'kwnicI we'c nkIshiun?
- 47 KicI anIt shikanipwoe'cuk pic i kanotmowat, kikItwuk; OtI nInI onItuman Inaisun.
- 48 Kie'nup cI nkot kimace'pto, icI e'kiw tapnuk Skuapowan, kiwumoshkIne'tot siwapo, icI e'kitot, e'kinapsItot shi nasakunIshkok okiminancI, e'wimnukwe'nIt.
- 49 KicI anIt otI kikItwuk, Ponuk, nocma wapmatan kI‘nwa ok?pie'skonkon ni Inaisun.
- 50 Cisus cI kanotakwsIt minI e'pic kotakuk, okipkItnan ocipamIn.
- 51 PInI iwcI kaiakwukote'k, pic iukwan kcInume'okumkok, shpumuk kipie'ocIpikw‘shke' nashcI mtukumuk; ipi kI‘ kimacke'mkIt ipi ni sInie'n kipaskukie'ton.
- 52 Ipi kinsakshke'ton ni cipe'okumkwe'n, mce'sh cI kanpacuk kanumawakupIne'n, kiwnIshke'mkItnI wiwuwan;
- 53 Kipie' ocI sakumwuk shi cipe'‘okumkok, kakishiapsinIt, kipitike'kcI kcI-otanuk mce'sh cI okiwaptuawan wiwuwan.
- 54 Pic cI Kapte'n, ipi ni kapmI wice'okocIn, kakowapmacIk CisusIn, e'waptumwat kI e'nanimshkanuk, ipi kanomkItInuk kikcIse'ksik; otI cI kikItwuk, We'we'ne'sI otI okiwkwIsmukon Kshe'mIne'ton.
- 55 Kimane'k ke'shi kwe'k, pnoc e'wsapmawat kapie'pmnashkawacuk CisusIn kiw cupie'k Ke'nInIuk, e'wipmitwawat.
- 56 Winke' shi kitkoie' Me'ni Me'kte'ne'n, ipi Me'niIn, kaokie'macIn Ce'ms, ipi Cosus, ipi okie'iwan Se'piti onicansIn.
- 57 Pic cI e'nmupkonianuk kipie' ocupie' E'nIme'tiuk ke'c tpe'nwe'osIt nInI, Cosip kishInkaso, win kie' Cisus kaknomakot.
- 58 IcI tkishiat Paye'ntIn, e'kiwuntotmowat Cisus wiwuwIn. IcI Paye'nt cI kikito, e'wipkItumwut i wiia‘w.
- 59 IcI Cosip kaotapnuk i wiia‘w okiwikwe'ie'kinan wapshkie'kIn pukwoian, panakwtInuk.
- 60 OkiwusancI tpInwe' otoshkicipe'okumkok kawe'napkaumatsokupIne'n, shi sInik; icI e'ki tupce'nuk kcI-sIn, e'shkwate'mwunuk, icipe'okumkok, icI e'kinke'tuk.
- 61 Kiie' cI shi Me'ni Me'kte'ne'n, ipi o pe'kansIt Me'ni, kicipitukwuk cI ashowe'iukwan shi cipe'‘okumkok.
- 62 Ka WiiapukcI kakish oshIstowat i mkoshe'wun; ki kcI me'matmocIk onInwuk, ipi Pe'nisiuk kipie' wice'twuk, Payne'tIn kipie' shie'k;
- 63 OtI cI ikinawan Okuma, nmikwe'ntamIn kakItpIt okawie'shke'mot me'kwa e'ie' pmatsIt; Kinsokwnukuk nkaonIshka minI.
- 64 KIton e'wikawapcikate'k nash i nsokishuk i cipe'‘oknmuk; tanupie'n ke'knomowacIn e'ie'pko nianuk e'wikimocwunkot; otI cI Otanawan ni nIshInape'n, KipsukwiwaksI e'npopI iwcI i ne'tum.
- 65 Paye'nt cI otI okinan, anwusI KtIiwawak e'kwapicuk; ktashiamsI wawishkItok tso ke'kshkItoie'k.
- 66 IcI e'ki shiawat e'ki wa‘wishkItowat i cipe'okumuk, e'ki tkwapkIstowat i sIn, ipi okisawan e'kwapInIt.
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Potawatomi (Matthew Acts) (Lykins 1844) (potawatomi - 1)
2007-04-26Potawatomi (pot)
1833 Potawatomi Matthew and Acts, Lykins translation
- Encoding: UTF-8
- Direction: LTR
- LCSH: Bible. N.T. Potowatomi.
- Distribution Abbreviation: potawatomi
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Source (OSIS)
- history_1.0
- Initial release
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