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    Ezra 5
    •   Forsothe Aggei, the prophete, and Zacharie, the prophete, the sone of Ado, prophesieden, prophesiynge in the name of God of Israel, to the Jewis that weren in Juda and Jerusalem.
    •   Thanne Zorobabel, the sone of Salatiel, and Josue, the sone of Josedech, risiden, and bigunnen to bilde the temple of God in Jerusalem; and with hem rysyden the prophetis of God, helpynge hem.
    •   Forsothe in that tyme Tatannai, that was duyk biyende the flood, and Starbusannay, and the counselouris of hem, camen to hem, and seiden thus to hem, Who yaf counsel to you to bilde this hows, and to restore these wallis?
    •   To which thing we answeriden to hem, whiche weren the names of men, autours of that bildyng.
    •   Forsothe the iye of God of hem was maad on the elde men of Jewis, and thei myyten not forbede the Jewis; and it pleside that the thing schulde be teld to Darius, and thanne thei schulden make satisfaccioun ayens that accusyng.
    •   This is the saumpler of the pistle, which Tathannai, duyk of the cuntrey biyende the flood, and Starbursannai, and hise counselouris, Arphasacei, that weren biyende the flood, senten to kyng Darius.
    •   The word which thei senten to hym was writun thus; Al pees be to the kyng Darius.
    •   Be it knowun to the kyng, that we yeden to the prouince of Judee, to the hows of greet God, which is bildid with stoon vnpolischid, and trees ben set in the wallis, and thilke werk is bildid diligently, and encreessith in the hondis of hem.
    •   Therfor we axiden tho elde men, and thus we seiden to hem, Who yaf to you power to bilde this hows, and to restore these wallis?
    • 10   But also we axiden of hem the names `of hem, that we schulden telle to thee; and we han write the names of men, whiche thei ben, that ben princes among hem.
    • 11   Sotheli thei answeriden bi sich word, and seiden, We ben the seruauntis of God of heuene and of erthe; and we bilden the temple that was bildid bifor these many yeeris, and `which temple the greet kyng of Israel `hadde bildid, and maad.
    • 12   But aftir that oure fadris stiryden God of heuene and of erthe to wrathfulnesse, bothe he bitook hem in the hond of Nabugodonosor, Caldey, kyng of Babiloyne; and he distriede this hows, and translatide the puple therof in to Babiloyne.
    • 13   Forsothe in the firste yeer of Cirus, king of Babiloyne, Cirus, the king of Babiloyne, settide forth `a comaundement, that the hows of God schulde be bildid.
    • 14   For whi kyng Cirus brouyte forth `fro the temple of Babiloyne also the goldun and siluerne vessels of Goddis temple, whiche Nabugodonosor hadde take fro the temple, that was in Jerusalem, and hadde bore tho awei in to the temple of Babiloyne; and tho vessels weren youun to Sasabazar bi name, whom `he made also prince. And Cirus seide to hym, Take these vessels,
    • 15   and go, and sette tho in the temple, which is in Jerusalem; and the hows of God be bildid in `his place.
    • 16   Therfor thanne thilke Sasabazar cam, and settide the foundementis of Goddis temple in Jerusalem; and fro that tyme `til to now it is bildid, and is not yit fillid.
    • 17   Now therfor if it `semeth good to the king, rikene he in the biblet of the kyng, which is in Babiloyne, whether it be comaundid of kyng Cyrus, that Goddis hows schulde be bildid in Jerusalem; and sende he to vs the wille of the kyng `on this thing.
  • King James Version (kjv)
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  • John Wycliffe Bible (c.1395) (wycliffe - 2.4.1)


    English (enm)

    The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books, in the earliest English versions made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers, c.1395

    Source text

    John Wycliffe organized the first complete translation of the Bible into Middle English in the 1380s.

    The translation from the Vulgate was a collaborative effort, and it is not clear which portions are actually Wycliffe's work.

    Church authorities officially condemned the translators of the Bible into vernacular languages and called these heretics Lollards.

    Despite their prohibition, revised versions of Wycliffite Bibles remained in use for about 100 years.

    Wikisource attributes its source as the Wesley Center Online.

    That in turn was derived from the Fedosov transcription on the Slavic Bibles site

    The source text makes no use of archaic letters that were part of Middle English orthography.
    The Latin letter Yogh [ȝ] was evidently replaced by the letter [y] in the Fedosov transcription.

    The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

    Verse numbers were not used in either the earlier or later version of the Wycliffe Bible in the fourteenth century. Each chapter consisted of one unbroken block of text. There were not even any paragraphs. Hence whatever verse numbers we now have in modern editions have been added retrospectively by comparison with other English Bibles and the Latin Vulgate.

    Two books found in the Vulgate, II Esdras and Psalm 151, were never part of the Wycliffe Bible.

    Module build notes:
    1. The Prayer of Manasseh has been separated from 2 Chronicles in order to avoid a critical versification issue.
    cf. In Wikisource it was assigned as 2 Paralipomenon chapter 37.
    2. The Letter of Jeremiah has been joined to Baruch as chapter 6 thereof.
    3. The book order of Wycliffe's Bible differs from that of the Vulg versification used in this module.
    4. There are now 313 notes in the Wikisource document.
    5. The Wikisource text substantially matches that of the nine books in module version 1.0
    6. Each of these five verses not in the Vulg versification was appended to the previous verse: Deut.27.27 Esth.5.15 Ps.38.15 Ps.147.10 Luke.10.43
    7. There are also several verses without any text. Use Sword utility emptyvss to list these.

    • Encoding: UTF-8
    • Direction: LTR
    • LCSH: Bible.Old English (1100-1500)
    • Distribution Abbreviation: wycliffe


    Creative Commons: BY-SA 4.0

    Source (OSIS)

    (2002-09-05) Initial incomplete edition based on the Slavic Bible source text for the Pentateuch and the Gospels only.
    (2017-03-27) Rebuilt from complete Bible text at Wikisource.
    (2017-03-28) Minor improvement: Versified Prayer of Manasseh on Wikisource.
    (2017-03-29) Added GlobalOptionFilter=OSISFootnotes (the module already had 14 notes in 2 Samuel, Job and Tobit).
    (2017-04-03) Rebuilt after 299 notes were added to Pentateuch & Gospels in Wikisource. Minor change to markup of added words.
    (2019-01-07) Updated toolchain
    (2020-08-01) title misplacement is fixed for the *Prayer of Jeremiah* in Baruch 6
    (2022-08-06) Fix typo in DistributionLicense

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Ezra 5:

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